World’s first
self-funding cryptocurrency impact project
We exist to educate, act and inspire.
Our education platform aims is a holistic healing tool, for your mind, body and soul. To take that further, we continue to educate on how we can work collectively to heal our planet.
This is all made possible through cryptocurrency; Energi.
Through our treasury system, we reinvest our currency into
Energi Impact; to serve humanity as best we can.
ENERGI WEBSITEEmpower Yourself
You can create your dream life. Utilizing the Law of Attraction, manifestation, meditations, philosophy and techniques; we teach you exactly how to take back your power and become your best self.
Heal Yourself
If you want to change the world, start with yourself first. This platform provides wisdom for you to heal your physical, mental and spiritual body so that we can show up as our best selves in every moment.
Heal Your World
Our planet needs our help, and knowing how you can take action is the first step. Get educated on how you can help create worldwide change.
Our core purpose is to educate. By harbouring this knowledge we can make empowered choices to change our individual lives, wider community and subsequently the world.
Our Vision
An empowering, accurate platform for the individual; a trusted place to gain knowledge on just about everything.
We run initiatives and community gatherings such as beach clean ups, social media challenges, orphanage visits and more!
Once we are collectively educated and know how to take action for the greater good; the last thing is to feel completely fulfilled by it. Our work aims to inspire you further.
Our Projects
Bali Orphanage
We work with Jodie O’Shea Orphanage to bring volunteers, time, love and resources to the 90 children who have found a home there.
Trash Cleanups
Gathering community to clean up our Earth, every Friday at 8am all over the world.
Sharkgirl Madison
In 2019 we funded a film with conservationist Madison Stewart. It details her extensive efforts in eco-tourism;
By pioneering an avenue for actioned change we not only can begin to make the changes we wish to see, but inspire others to do the same.
We’re always looking for new changemakers to support.
Get in touch to see how we can create more impact together.